
Политика обеспечения компьютерной и сетевой безопасности (IT Security Cookbook)

1.Политика системного администрирования

Администратор обеспечивает доступность системы, доступ к конфиденциальной информации только авторизованным лицам и защиту информации от неавторизованного изменения.

Следует определить:

1.1.Физическая безопасность

Политика физической безопасности должна детально описывать меры по защите зданий в случае чрезвычайных происшествий (наводнений, пожаров, землетрясений, взрывов, отключений электроэнергии), в случае краж, нарушений прав доступа, по защите сейфов, помещений с компьютерами и коммутационных шкафов. (см. также раздел Физическая безопасность).

1.2.Контроль доступа

Необходимо обеспечить обязательный контроль доступа (класс 4).

1.3.Политика учетных записей

Основные принципы:


1.5.Подотчетность и аудит (только для класса 3)

1.6.Надежность работы

Политика резервных копий и восстановления данных

Change Management (sw/hw installations or updates)

2.Сетевая политика

Передача информации между компьютерами может оказаться серьёзной брешью в безопасности.

2.1. Сетевая политика/политика распределённых систем.

1. Надёжность: конфигурация сети должна быть задокументирована.

2. Идентификация и аутентификация:

3. Ответственность и аудит

4. Контроль доступа

5. Важные сетевые узлы должны регулярно проверять целостность своих данных.

6.Data Exchange:

7.Reliability of Service / Availability

Remote Access Policy: external network interfaces

Networks (X.25, Dial-up, Internet, Vendor networks, Telephone networks, Customer networks etc.) shall not be interconnected if it results in breach of the security policy. Access to external networks must occur over a Firewall. The Firewall must have a security policy and be regularly monitor and audited.

2.2.Dial-in access

All incoming Dialup connections (via PSTN or ISDN) should use a strong one-time password authentication system (such as Secur ID).

Dial-in access to the corporate network should only be allowed where necessary and where the following conditions are met:


2.Identification and Authentication

3.Accountability and audit

4.Access Control

5.Accuracy: no requirements.

6.Data Exchange

7.Reliability of Service

  1. Dial-up servers shall have all unnecessary services stopped.
  2. Dial-up servers shall be a robust multitasking machines (e.g. UNIX, VAX or NT).
  3. Dial-up servers shall offer the following availability: ⇒ 7x24h, maximum downtime 4 hours (during office hours), maximum frequency twice per month. Maintenance window: Wednesday evening after office hours.
  4. Change management: Updates and configuration changes shall be logged and carried out according to :#Quality processes.
  5. Alerts should be raised if important processes crash.
  6. Regular backups shall be made where necessary.

2.3.Dial-out (PSTN/ ISDN)

Dial-out network connections can extend the corporate network, creating uncontrolled points of access to the network.

1.Users shall not use dial-out capability (modems) on their machines.

2.If such functionality is required, it shall:

2.4.Internet Firewall

The Internet is often an important tool for sharing and searching information, especially in a research environment. All Internet access from the corporate network must occur via a Firewall.


2.Identification and Authentication

3.Accountability and audit

4.Access Control


6.Data Exchange

7.Reliability of Service

2.5.Interfaces to other networks

Likewise interfaces to other networks (SNA, Decnet, X.25, ATM etc.) required a clear policy.

Interfaces to customer/vendor networks

Access from customer or vendor sites to the corporate networks are more and more common.

Telephone networks

Phone, Fax and Voicemail systems and networks are frequent penetration points for attackers. If these system have features accessible from the outside, a policy is required to prevent abuse.

2.6.Incident Response Procedure


This procedure should detail which actions should be taken in case of a security incident on the Firewall. The Firewall is designed to protect the corporate network from unauthorised Internet access. It is regularly monitored for security breaches. When a breach is detected, one must know how to react. That is the aim of this procedure. The reaction to an incident aims to protect and restore the normal operating condition of computers, services and information


Even with a solid security policy, educated users and solid system administration, an emergency response team is useful. Plan for a disaster!

Incident Response Team

The principal roles are indicated in italics below. For each role a backup person should be available.

Management Responsible A.Boss, (Tel. xxxx),

(Overall co-ordinator/responsible) backup: B. Other_Boss (Tel. xxxx).

Responsibility: Ensures that this document exists and is enforced. Recognising the major threats to business continuity. Prioritises activities, co-ordinates and makes key decisions during an incident. Approves exceptions to this procedure.

Technical Responsible Firewall A. Techie (Tel. xxxx),

backup B. Other_Techie (Tel. Xxx).

Responsibility: Knows how to technically administer the systems in question. Can detect incidents and can take technical measures to limit damage. A good technical understanding of the system is essential.

Press Responsible A. Prman (tel. Xxx),

backup: A. Other_PrMan (Tel. Xxx).

Responsibility: Handles interfaces to the media, public statements, co-ordinate communications. Additional Help:

Legal Advice ?

First Response Team, See appendices.


1.In case of an emergency, each of the following points should be considered and acted upon. The principal steps involved are:

  1. Preparation: The team should have read this chapter and be aware of the implications.
  2. Incident detection: quick assessment
  3. Immediate action: limit damage
  4. Public Relations / Communications
  5. Detailed situation analysis
  6. Recovery: restore data/services/systems
  7. Follow-up

2. Incident detection: quick assessment

What has happened? :

If an attack has occurred:

3. Immediate action: limit damage: If a serious attack or disaster occurs, the Management Responsible and Technical Responsible should decide on the immediate action necessary to eliminate the threat or limit damage (depending on the gravity of the situation and user's needs).

⇒ It should be clear who is in charge of handling the incident in question. Define who is the overall responsible/ co-ordinator. Ensure that the chain of command is understood

⇒ Start an event log: Document every single action taken, events, evidence found (with time & date).

Possible immediate actions are:

4. Public Relations / Communications

5. Detailed situation analysis:

6. Recovery: restore data/services/systems:

7. Follow-up

⇒ End of procedure.

3. Политика разработки ПО

Безопасность должна быть неотъемлемой частью новых систем. Если разработаны функциональные требования, требования безопасности должны формулироваться в соответствие с уязвимостями, а также доступностью данных, которые будут обрабатываться системой.

3.1. Общие правила

3.2. Правила создания ПО

См. также

1) Кому доступна роль суперпользователя? В UNIX-системах предпочтительно использовать sudo (как пример) для ограничения полномочий суперпользователя. В NT-системах можно использовать групповую политику для ограничения административных прав.
2) UNIX: sticky bit должен быть установлен на общедоступные каталоги
3) На UNIX это значит .cshrc, .mailrc, .login, .profile, .netscape и др.
4) Это стандарт в UNIX системах, но (пока) не в NT.
5) На UNIX, каждые 5 безуспешных попыток авторизации, следующая попытка задерживается на несколько секунд.